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VSS 11 2014

Managing Freight During the Games... and afterwards The freight management strategy during the Games focused on re-timing,reducing(thenumberofdeliveries)andre-routing(away from key Olympic routes). TfL is keen to retain the advantages derived from the increase of out of hours deliveries that occurred during the Games. This has to be done sympathetically as even in Central London there are large numbers of residents, so the noise associated with out-of-hours deliveries has to be minimised e.g. by using carpeted walkways for noisy items such as metal beer bar- rels. Also larger companies are far better structured to host out-of- hours deliveries than smaller companies, whose staff often work normal retail hours. The Games gave TfL the opportunity to act as a conduit of communication between larger companies and their smaller neighbours encouraging innovative freight operational strategies with larger companies accepting out-of-hours deliveries on behalf of smaller companies and transferring goods to them the following morning. The level of communication between TfL and freight operators and businesses has increased greatly since the Games with new initiatives such as TfL’s weekly e-bulletins being sent to freight operators advising about road works, planned events etc.; training courses for drivers, specialising in urban driving techniques, awareness of cyclists etc; and for operators on issues such as air quality and compliance. map rather than always having North located at the top of the page) and 3D landmar building representation. Legible London is supported by a range of in-house and exte mobile phone apps. Legible London Fig 3: Legible London Pedestrian Signage Project Another feature of large pedestrian numbers that became apparent during the Game the relative lack of flexibility of traditional traffic signal programmes in recognising th quantity of pedestrians wishing to cross the road at signalised crossings. Since the Ga TfL has devised a system, again using video analytics, to identify precise numbers of pedestrians waiting to cross the road at a signalised crossing. The introduction of Pedestrian Split Cycle Offset OptimisationTechnique, or ‘pedestri SCOOT’, is the first of its kind in the world and uses state-of-the-art video camera technology to automatically detect how many pedestrians are waiting at crossings. T camera image is divided into a number of discrete sections and the formation of the p in each section indicates whether it is empty, partially occupied or fully occupied. Fro this information video analytics are used to estimate the number of people waiting to cross the road. The system enables the adjustment of traffic signal timings automatically to extend t green pedestrian invitation to cross phase when large numbers of people are waiting allowing more people to cross the road. 3 | Mit dem «Legible London»-Projekt sollen Personen vermehrt zum Zufussgehen animiert werden. 3 | Legible London Pedestrian Signage Project. System ermöglicht die automatische Anpassung der Dauer der Verkehrssignale, um die Ampel länger auf Grün zu schalten, wenn sehr viele Menschen an der Kreuzung warten, was mehr Menschen die Möglichkeit gibt, die Strasse zu überqueren. Das Management von Frachttransport während der Spiele … und darüber hinaus Die Bewältigungsstrategie für den Frachttransport während der Spiele war auf Umdisponieren, Reduzieren (der Anzahl von Lie- ferungen) und die Änderung der Streckenführung fokussiert. Die TfL ist darum bemüht, die Vorteile, die sich während der Spiele aus den erhöhten Lieferungen ausserhalb der Normalzeiten erge- ben hatten, beizubehalten. Dies muss rücksichtsvoll vonstatten gehen, da es sogar im Londoner Zentrum eine hohe Bewohnerzahl gibt. Ausserdem sind grössere Unternehmen bez. der Lieferungen aus-serhalb der Normalzeiten viel besser als kleinere Unterneh- men organisiert, deren Angestellte häufig gemäss den normalen Geschäftszeiten im Einzelhandel arbeiten. Die Spiele ermöglich- ten der TfL, als Vermittler zwischen grösseren Firmen und deren kleineren Pendants aufzutreten, indem sie innovative Frachtbe- triebsstrategien förderte, wobei die grösseren Unternehmen im Auftrag der kleineren Firmen derartige Lieferungen annahmen und diese den Letzteren am nächsten Morgen zuleiteten. Seit den Spielen ist der Kommunikationsgrad zwischen der TfL und Fracht- führern sowie Unternehmen deutlich gestiegen. This article was written by the author in a personal capacity FACHARTIKEL ARTICLES TECHNIQUES24 STRASSEUNDVERKEHRNR.11,NOVEMBER2014 ROUTEETTRAFICNo 11,NOVEMBRE2014
